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V Peru-Spain International Conference

V Peru-Spain International Conference

Our partner Enrique Varsi-Rospigliosi will participate as a speaker at the IV Peru-Spain International Conference organized by the IPA – Peruvian Institute of Arbitration, which will take place on June 13 and 14.

He will participate in the panel “Recusación de Árbitros” (“Recusal of Arbitrators”), accompanied by leading representatives from both countries, on Monday 13, from 10:40 am to 12:10 p.m.

Enrique is a lawyer specialized in Civil Law, Corporate Law and Real Estate Law, as well as in litigation and arbitration. He is also a professor at Universidad de Lima and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. He is the author of the Treatise on Personal Rights, Treatise on Family Law and Treatise on Real Rights.

The conference will be broadcasted via zoom and Facebook Live.

You can register for free at the following link:

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