Holidays and Non-working days
In case you have any doubts or questions on this subject, we provide you with a chart prepared by our Labor Team on the differences between holidays and compensable non-working days. See document #RAA #Feriados #Noferiados #decretolegislativo173 #abogados
Alianza Pro Bono Perú
Desafío Pro Bono is a competition aimed at law students from all over the country. The goal is to enable them to identify socio-legal problems that affect vulnerable individuals or groups and propose concrete solutions to mitigate and resolve them. This is an initiative of the Alianza Pro Bono Perú,…
New Teleworking Law, Law No. 31572
The Congress of the Republic has approved the new Teleworking Law, Law No. 31572, and the Executive Branch has 90 days to issue the relevant regulations. Our Labor area has prepared the following document with the most important aspects of the law See document #RAA #Leyteletrabajo #Reglamento #Abogados
“Labor Litigation Manual”, published by Gaceta Jurídica.
Our partner César Abanto Revilla has directed the publication of the work “Manual de Litigación Laboral”, published by Gaceta Jurídica, with the collaboration of Víctor Vicente Zavala, Luis Cancho Lengua and Diego Enrique Duffóo Callirgos, associates of our firm. The contents of this publication refer to labor court proceedings (ordinary,…
Protocol for the Inspection of Labor Outsourcing
The National Superintendence of Labor Inspection – SUNAFIL has published the Protocol for the Inspection of Labor Outsourcing, approved by Superintendence Order No. 428-2022-SUNAFIL, which establishes the guidelines for labor inspectors to verify compliance with the outsourcing regulations, amended by Executive Order No. 001-2022-TR. The following document, prepared by our…
Executive Order N° 015-2022-TR
The Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion approved Executive Order No. 015-2022-TR, which amends the Regulations of the General Labor Inspection Law, among other aspects, to adapt the sanctions to outsourcing cases. We invite you to read the following chart prepared by our Labor team with relevant information in this…