• El Equipo

Laura Beatriz Medrano Vega


Contact Information

Laura Beatriz Medrano Vega

Laura Beatriz Medrano Vega, (Lima, 1984). She has been a lawyer since 2009, specialising in Labour Law and Labour Litigation. She graduated from the Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, Trujillo, Peru. She is a member of the La Libertad Bar Association. She has experience in individual and collective labour consulting, as well as in sponsoring labour processes and inspection procedures.

She has been a Firm lawyer with extensive experience providing counselling on individual and collective law labour issues. She participated in defining and executing defence strategies in labour processes. She has much expertise in the realities of labour relations in different sectors such as the industrial, financial, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, retail, education, and telecommunications sectors. She achieves efficiencies in management and generates value for organizations from the perspective of conflict prevention while seeking to maintain an optimal working environment.

Studies and Degrees

  • Master's Degree in People Management and Strategic Talent Management in the Organization, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain (2020).
  • Course: VIII Advanced Course on Labour Law for Postgraduates, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain (2015).
  • Participated in the course: Second Specialty Programme in Labour Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru (2014).
  • Law Degree, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, Trujillo, Peru (2006).

Professional Experience

  • Senior Associate, Labour Department, Muñiz Law Firm, Trujillo, Peru (February 2012 – February 2024).
  • Contracted Lawyer, Labour Department, Muñiz Law Firm, Trujillo, Peru (October 2009 – January 2012).

Main assignments and consultancies:

  • She was the responsible person for comprehensive legal preventive labour counselling for Labour Managements of over fifty clients in both the production and service sectors, on applying labour laws for decision making, compliance, and preventive measures focused on avoiding/decreasing labour contingencies risks.
  • Implemented and executed legal support procedures in labour discipline cases (sanctions and dismissal procedures). Client satisfaction rate: over 90%.
  • Managed and executed training talks on Sexual Labour Harassment, Labour Outsourcing, and Salary Planning – Gender Equity, aimed at workmen, administrative and managerial personnel, respectively, to mitigate risks and control compliance with the knowledge policies of clients and their collaborators.


  • Member La Libertad Bar Association


  • Spanish and English