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“Labor Litigation Manual”, published by Gaceta Jurídica.

“Labor Litigation Manual”, published by Gaceta Jurídica.

Our partner César Abanto Revilla has directed the publication of the work “Manual de Litigación Laboral”, published by Gaceta Jurídica, with the collaboration of Víctor Vicente Zavala, Luis Cancho Lengua and Diego Enrique Duffóo Callirgos, associates of our firm.

The contents of this publication refer to labor court proceedings (ordinary, contentious and constitutional), labor inspection procedures, administrative procedures before EsSalud, SERVIR and Susalud, among many others.

This book is a very useful tool for all professionals dealing with labor law and contains a systematic and organic explanation of court and administrative procedures.

Please find attached the table of contents of this important publication.

See document

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