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IV International Congress on Social Security: The State in the Protection of Social Security

IV International Congress on Social Security: The State in the Protection of Social Security

Our partner César Abanto Revilla will be a speaker at the IV International Congress on Social Security: The State in the Protection of Social Security, on November 16, 17 and 18. The Congress is organized by the Law School of CLAEH University, Uruguay, in collaboration with the Ibero-American Network of Social Security Researchers (RIISS).

César is a lawyer specializing in Labor Procedural Law and Social Security Procedural Law. He has been Prosecutor of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion and Head of the General Office of Legal Counsel of said labor authority. He is a professor in the Master’s Degrees of Labor Law of the PUCP, UNMSM and USMP.

His presentation will take place on Thursday, November 17.

Registration open at the following link: .

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