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International seminar “What next steps after the ratification of ILO Convention No. 190 on violence and (cyber)harassment at work: Euro-Iber-American perspectives”

Our partner César Abanto Revilla has been invited by the University of Jaén (Spain) and ILTRASS, to participate in the international seminar “What new steps after the ratification of ILO Convention No. 190 on violence and (cyber)harassment at work: Euro-Iber-American perspectives?”. César will participate in the panel discussion Ibero-American National…

Taller “Responsabilidad civil médica, ¿cuándo sí y cuándo no?” (Workshop “Medical civil liability, do’s and don’ts”)

Our associate Lucero Celeste Ramírez Izaguirre has been invited by the institution Idem Educación to participate in the workshop “Medical civil liability, do’s and don’ts”, covering relevant aspects related to this topic. Lucero Ramírez is a specialist in Civil Property Law, Civil Procedure Law, Administrative Procedures and Insurance. She has…