Enrique Varsi Rospigliosi
Enrique Varsi Rospigliosi (Lima, 1964), lawyer specialized in Civil Law, Corporate Law and Real Estate Law and in litigation and arbitration. He has experience in contracts, family, civil liability and inheritance.
He is a registered arbitrator and conciliator of the Lima Bar Association, Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce, Center for Conflict Analysis and Resolution of the PUCP, Center for Business Conciliation and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of La Libertad, Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Piura, Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Lambayeque, Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Arequipa, Arbitration Center of the College of Engineers of Peru, Arbitration Center of the Lima Bar Association, Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Construction Industry (CAPECO), Arbitration Center of AmCham Peru and Conciliation and Arbitration Center - CECONAR of the Superintendence of Health Care Providers. Past President and member of the Tribunal of the National Superintendence of Health - Susalud (2015-2022).
He was a member of the working group in charge of reviewing and proposing improvements to the Civil Code (2016).
He is a Senior Research Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Universidad de Lima and the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Author of the Treatise on Personal Rights, Treatise on Family Law and Treatise on Real Rights, Treatise on Prescription and Expiration.
Studies and Degrees
- Doctor in Law 1998, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
- Master in Civil and Commercial Law 1996, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
- Bachelor of Law 1990, Lawyer 1991, Universidad de Lima.
Professional Experience
- Lazo, De Romaña & Gafliuffi Attorneys 2008 - 2016.
- Duany & Kresalja Attorneys 2004 - 2008.
- Estudio Loayza & Varsi Attorneys at Law 1991 - 2004.
Teaching Experience
- Professor of Civil Law: Personal Rights and Family Law - Universidad de Lima.
- Professor of Civil Law: Real Rights - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
- Treatise on the law of prescription and forfeiture (2021), Civil code. Chronological edition with update notes (4th edition, 2022).
- Treatise on the Law of Persons. Capacity (Universidad de Lima, 2021)
- Treatise on the Law of Persons. (coedition by Instituto Pacifico - Universidad de Lima, 2nd edition, 2021) Treatise on Family Law, Volumes I – IV (coedition Instituto Pacifico - Universidad de Lima, 2nd Edic., 2020).
- Treatise on Real Rights. General Theory Volume I (Universidad de Lima, 2017), Tratado de Derechos reales. Treatise on Real Rights. Possession and ownership, Volume II (Universidad de Lima, 2018), (Treatise on Real Rights.) Rights in rem de goce, Volume III (Universidad de Lima, 2019), Treatise on Rights in rem. Rights in rem of guarantee (Universidad de Lima, 2020).
Main assignments and consultancies
- Researcher registered and certified in RENACYT of CONCYTEC (P0010485- Carlos Monge Medrano III).
- Past President and member of the Tribunal of the National Superintendence of Health - Susalud (2015-2022).
- Amicus Curiae of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic (Ofic. 4278-2015- CIJ/PJ, 11/12/2015) VIII Pleno Casatorio Civil of 22/12/2015.
- Lima Bar Association.
- Spanish and English
- Portuguese