Our associate attorney Lucero Celeste Ramírez Izaguirre is the author of the article «Indemnización del cónyuge perjudicado: análisis de la Casación N° 4664-2010- PUNO» (Compensation of the aggrieved spouse: analysis of Cassation N° 4664-2010- PUNO), included in the collective work ” Civil cassation plenary sessions: analysis of 10 binding plenary sessions “, published by Jurista Editores.
The publication provides an overview of the binding jurisprudential decisions issued in each of the Plenary Sessions from different points of view.
Lucero is a specialist in Civil Property Law, Civil Procedure Law, Administrative Procedures and Insurance. She has experience in the private sector in civil and administrative litigation and works in the Litigation and Arbitration section of our law firm.
#RAA #DerechoCivilPatrimonial #procedimientosAdministrativos #abogados