“Does the mere judicial declaration of nullity of the act that gave rise to an inscription generate the subsequent entries?”

We share the article by our senior associate Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado, “Does the mere judicial declaration of nullity of the act that gave rise to an inscription generate the subsequent entries?”, published by Gaceta Civil y Procesal Civil in its edition No. 110, August of this year. The issue was analyzed in the CCXLIX … Read more

Lus Et Praxis Magazine of the University of Lima presents our partners Fernando Rodríguez Angobaldo, Jaime Heredia Tamayo and Enrique Varsi-Rospigliosi in its 54th edition dedicated to Arbitration.

Ius Et Praxis Magazine of the University of Lima presents our partners Fernando Rodríguez Angobaldo, Jaime Heredia Tamayo and Enrique Varsi-Rospigliosi in its 54th edition dedicated to Arbitration. In this issue you will find Jaime Heredia’s article “Non-disclosure = annulment?: harmonization of the legal criteria to annul an award for failure to disclose by the … Read more

Article: “The exclusive use of the property by a co-owner and the right of indemnification in favor of the excluded co-owner – Comments to Cassation N° 2832-2018-Cusco”

Our associate Paul Cajacuri Jancachagua is the author of the article “The exclusive use of the property by a co-owner and the right of indemnification in favor of the excluded co-owner – Comments to Cassation N° 2832-2018-Cusco”, published last May in the Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil. The Gaceta Civil & Procesal Civil is a … Read more