Holidays and Non-working days

In case you have any doubts or questions on this subject, we provide you with a chart prepared by our Labor Team on the differences between holidays and compensable non-working days. See document #RAA #Feriados #Noferiados #decretolegislativo173 #abogados  

XI National Arbitration Congress

Our partner Jaime Heredia Tamayo will be a speaker at the XI National Arbitration Congress organized by IPA – Peruvian Institute of Arbitration to be held today, Wednesday, November 23. He and other leading experts will speak on the panel “Medidas cautelares en el arbitraje en Contratación Pública. La caducidad de las medidas cautelares otorgadas … Read more

International seminar “What next steps after the ratification of ILO Convention No. 190 on violence and (cyber)harassment at work: Euro-Iber-American perspectives”

Our partner César Abanto Revilla has been invited by the University of Jaén (Spain) and ILTRASS, to participate in the international seminar “What new steps after the ratification of ILO Convention No. 190 on violence and (cyber)harassment at work: Euro-Iber-American perspectives?”. César will participate in the panel discussion Ibero-American National Experiences panel, on Wednesday, November … Read more

IV International Congress on Social Security: The State in the Protection of Social Security

Our partner César Abanto Revilla will be a speaker at the IV International Congress on Social Security: The State in the Protection of Social Security, on November 16, 17 and 18. The Congress is organized by the Law School of CLAEH University, Uruguay, in collaboration with the Ibero-American Network of Social Security Researchers (RIISS). César … Read more

III International Congress of Civil Law “José León Barandiarán”

Our associate Lucero Celeste Ramírez Izaguirre will participate in the III International Congress of Civil Law “José León Barandiarán”, which will take place from November 7 to 11. This event is organized by the José León Barandiarán Workshop of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in collaboration with LP – Pasión por el derecho … Read more

“Does the mere judicial declaration of nullity of the act that gave rise to an inscription generate the subsequent entries?”

We share the article by our senior associate Marco Andrei Torres Maldonado, “Does the mere judicial declaration of nullity of the act that gave rise to an inscription generate the subsequent entries?”, published by Gaceta Civil y Procesal Civil in its edition No. 110, August of this year. The issue was analyzed in the CCXLIX … Read more